Understanding Insurance Policies

Understanding Insurance Policies

  • Get Started on a New Career with Online Insurance Training Courses

    Those who are looking for a new career that won't take years of training may want to consider becoming an insurance sales agent. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook is very good for this career, with a faster than average growth rate of about 9 percent expected between 2014 and 2024 and an average annual salary of about $48,200. It's easy to get started, as there are a variety of different online insurance training courses available that can be completed at your own pace.

  • FAQs About Getting Medicare Under The Age Of 65

    Most people become eligible to receive Medicare when they turn 65. However, if you have a disability, it is possible that you can receive coverage before you are 65. If you have a disability and are planning to apply for Medicare, here is what you need to know.  Do You Have to Apply? In some instances, you do not have to apply for Medicare to receive benefits. If you have a disability and are applying for Social Security disability benefits, you should begin to receive medical care when your disability benefits are approved.

  • Three Common Auto Insurance Misconceptions Exposed

    Driving a car can be among the more routine tasks that you do on a regular basis, and this can make it easy to overlook the substantial risks that accompany driving. Auto accidents can result in serious injuries and major financial losses. To protect yourself against these risks, you will need to make sure that you have an active auto insurance policy. However, it can be a fairly common issue for individuals to believe some of the more commonly held notions about auto insurance policies.

  • Exposing Some Common SR-22 Myths

    Auto insurance is essential for anyone that is wanting to drive on public roads and highways. However, there are numerous different types of auto insurance, and it can be common for individuals to be fairly uninformed about these different policies. In particular, SR-22 policies are commonly misunderstood, but if you have the following few myths refuted, you will find that you are far better informed about auto-insurance policies. Myth: SR-22 Policies Are a Special Type of Insurance

  • 3 Things To Do After A Moose Strike

    Most people have seen what a car look like after it has had an encounter with a deer. If you live in moose country, odds are you've also seen what the damage from hitting a moose can be. Part of the problem is that the moose is taller and heavier than the average deer is. That means that not only does the moose do significant damage to the engine compartment to your car, but the extra height also means that it can hit the passenger compartment of your car too.

  • 2025© Understanding Insurance Policies
    About Me
    Understanding Insurance Policies

    After I moved out of my parent's home, I started learning more and more about insurance policies. I was involved in a bad car accident, and I ended up working with my car insurance company as well as my medical and dental insurance companies. I paid my premiums and enjoyed coverage, but I didn't really understand how the entire insurance claim process worked. I wanted to make this blog to help other people like me to learn more about insurance coverage. Check out this blog for more details on insurance coverage, how to file a claim, and what you should expect throughout the shopping process.