Understanding Insurance Policies

Understanding Insurance Policies

  • Should You Get A Medicare Advantage Plan?

    Are you interested in signing up for a Medicare Advantage plan, but do not know a lot about it? You'll definitely want to know about this form of health insurance to determine if it is right for you. The Network It's important to look into all of the providers that are in-network with your Medicare Advantage plan before you sign up. Much like any insurance plan, there are different networks that include different providers.

  • 3 Situations In Which You Will Need Optional Auto Insurance Coverage

    Under current laws, drivers are only required to purchase liability car insurance. All other types of automotive insurance coverage are considered optional. Unfortunately, far too many drivers automatically choose to decline these types of optional coverage in an effort to save money. If you are considering taking this same approach, you should know that choosing to decline optional coverage can actually cost you more in the long run. This is because there are several very common situations in which liability coverage alone will not protect you.

  • Do You Need Personal And Advertising Injury Liability Coverage?

    Your general liability insurance coverage is an important part of protecting your business. But most business owners think about general liability in terms of accidents that may occur on their site or as a result of their actions.  However, general liability coverage includes a number of less well-known protections for small businesses. One of these is personal and advertising injury coverage. What should you know about this insurance? And how can you make use of its protection?

  • 4 Things To Know About DBA Insurance

    If your company has recently won a government contract, then you might have been told to set up DBA insurance. If this is your first government partnership, then you might not know much about this coverage. Read on to learn the basics. 1. DBA Insurance Is A Legal Requirement Certain government contracts tell you to set up DBA insurance. This isn't a recommendation. It is a condition of your contract, and you have a legal requirement to buy this coverage for any qualifying workers who will work overseas on your contracted jobs.

  • Learn How Your Smartphone Can Help You Save Money on Your Auto Insurance Coverage

    Maintaining a valid auto insurance policy is not only the law, it is also a very important part of maintaining your personal and financial well-being. However, like any product, the cost of maintaining quality auto insurance coverage can add up over time. Thankfully, saving money on your auto insurance can be easier than ever with the help of your smartphone. This is because many auto insurance companies are now utilizing this technology to allow you to prove just how good of a driver you really are.

  • 2025© Understanding Insurance Policies
    About Me
    Understanding Insurance Policies

    After I moved out of my parent's home, I started learning more and more about insurance policies. I was involved in a bad car accident, and I ended up working with my car insurance company as well as my medical and dental insurance companies. I paid my premiums and enjoyed coverage, but I didn't really understand how the entire insurance claim process worked. I wanted to make this blog to help other people like me to learn more about insurance coverage. Check out this blog for more details on insurance coverage, how to file a claim, and what you should expect throughout the shopping process.